Driving is something that requires the driver to use many different things. To drive, you must use your:
- Legs
- Feet
- Arms
- Brain
- Eyes
Driving at a safe level requires you to stay alert at all times while being able to adjust quickly to what the road may throw your way, and driving under the influence prohibits you from being able to do so, in a number of ways.
Negative Effects Caused by Alcohol
To perform at your best on the road, which means ensuring yours and all other’s safety on the road, you need to be able to think and act quickly. You also need to be able to use your extremities to the fullest, which is not possible while under the influence.
Drinking may have a negative impact on many of these aspects, including:
- Reaction time - Alcohol slows down reflexes which are vital to have when making split-second decisions on the road
- Vision - Alcohol slows eye muscle function, which may result in altered visual perception, blurred vision, and in some cases a complete blackout
- Lane position - Alcohol may also decrease the driver’s ability to determine the car’s location on the road, which may cause accidents
- Mental focus - Alcohol has a large impact on the user’s mental ability. It may impact things such as concentration, comprehension, and coordination, all of which are crucial for making proper decisions to stay safe on the road
Different Levels Have Different Effects
Many people believe that if they are under the legal limit, meaning a BAC less than .08%, they can drive safely. However, it may not take as many drinks as you think to harm your driving skills. To better explain what we mean, we’ve put together this chart for you to keep with you to help you decide if you are OK to drive.